Terence James Reed

Terence James Reed ( born 1937 in London ) is a British specialist in German. He is currently Emeritus Fellow of Queen 's College, Oxford and a Fellow of the British Academy.


Reed studied at the University of Oxford Germanic and Romance languages ​​. From 1963 on he was a professor of German at St John 's College. In 1989 he received the " Taylor Professor of the German Language and Literature " at the University of Oxford, in which he taught until his retirement in 2003. Since then, Reed is a professor emeritus of " German Language and Literature " deals at Queen's College. The central themes of his work are Thomas Mann and Johann Wolfgang Goethe.

In addition, Reed operated as a member of the British Academy, a corresponding member of the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and is a founding member of the Collegium Europaeum Jenense. 1999 held the professorship of German studies Schiller Friedrich Schiller University of Jena. Reed received the 1999 Golden Goethe Medal of the Goethe Society in Weimar and the 2001 Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.


  • Thomas Mann: The Uses of Tradition, 1974
  • The classic center: Goethe and Weimar 1775-1832, 1981
  • Goethe, 1984
  • Schiller, 1991
  • Human practice literature. Essays by Goethe, 2001
  • More light in Germany: short history of the Enlightenment, 2009

Reed contributed numerous literary essays to the manuals of the Metzler Verlag at. He made further translations of Heine and Goethe and edited an edition of the poetry of Goethe, as well as the early narratives of Thomas Mann ( in: Large commented Frankfurt edition).
