Teufelsbach (Rhynerscher Bach)

Teufelsbach at the Wilhelm Lange Straße, direction source

The Devil Bach, also Ostfeldgraben and Freisker Bach, is a tributary of the Rhynerschen Bach. The creek flows mostly within the city limits of Hamm.


The Devil creek rises near Osterbönen near the intersection on Heukamp / Opsener Road ( K43 ). After about three hundred meters of the stream flowing through the 400 m long Devil's Canyon. The mouth is located about 300 meters north of the Wilhelm Lange Street, in the municipality Pelkum. The creek flows through almost the entire run northward before it empties after about four kilometers in Rhynerschen Bach.

On the morning of April 9, 1945 was followed, during the invasion of Hamm of Altenbögge - Bonen from the 379th Regiment on Teufelsbach along before. This was at the time in a wooded area.

"Ecological appreciation of the devil stream and thus the creation of the natural habitat, as well as the structure and revitalize the landscape " ( determinations pursuant to § § 24 to 26 LG NRW) is in the landscape plan Hamm- SÜd provided a section of maximum 450 meters length and 20 meters wide, " between the A2 motorway and a nameless Wirtschaftsweg " to expand natural. For flood protection is planned in the lower reaches three Ersatzauen between K35n ( crossing Teufelsbach ) and BAB 2 to create the unleashing of the river stretches. In addition, the stream course is north as far changed the highway, that the devil stream will no longer be directly reached the Rhynerscher Bach, but opens into the Niedervöhdebach ( tributary of the Rhynerscher Bach).


The Devil Bach has four major tributaries. The sources of the right, each about one kilometer inflows are on Renninghof in the hammer district Freiske. Both sides meet at about three kilometers with the devil creek. The left, about a kilometer long tributary flows at about two kilometers. The source is located at the low-field in the district of Hamm Bockum- Hovel - where there is a three hundred meter long connection with the Niedervöhdebach after about three hundred meters.

