The Andromeda Strain

Andromeda is the German title of a novel by Michael Crichton from 1969 ( in eng Original:. The Andromeda Strain ). He is the genre of Science Fiction attributed. The date the only German -language translation, developed by Norbert Cub, also appeared yet since 1969 experienced in Droemer Knaur, Munich and Zurich, and has several editions.


The plot of the novel extends over five days, beginning with the unscheduled landing of an unmanned American space probe, which was to collect organic material in orbit around the Earth, in the small town of Piedmont, Arizona. After nearly all the inhabitants of the settlement and the team to recover the probe perish, the previously prepared for such incidents businesses prairie fire is started ( in engl. Original Wildfire ). Five scientists found that in a secluded, underground, state laboratory together to determine the cause of the epidemic.


The book is divided held in the five days of the crisis, in the form of a fictitious factual report and sets of documents and computer graphics in the style of the time. It has - unusually for fictional literature - an annex with bibliography. Crichton uses in the book, which was published just before the American moon landing, a topical scientific issue with great contemporary media presence on - a recipe for success that he re varied again and again in later works.


In 1971, the book by Robert Wise was filmed, the German title is Andromeda - Deadly dust from space, in the original The Andromeda Strain. Under this title, Tony and Ridley Scott in 2008 produced a two-part film adaptation for television, based on Crichton's template.

This and That

The British band Apollo 440 used in 1995 for her play Is not Talkin '' Bout Dub a sentence from the original English version of the film: Let's go back to the rock and see it at 440 (Please leave us the stone again at 440 -fold view magnification).

  • Literary work
  • Literature ( 20th century)
  • Literature (United States)
  • Literature ( English )
  • Novel, epic
  • Science fiction literature
  • Work of Michael Crichton