The Apollo Affair

Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation ( Numec ) was a company that specializes in Apollo, Pennsylvania, a plant for the reprocessing of uranium for use in nuclear reactors, for example, submarine drives operational. It was founded by the chemist and inventor Zalman Shapiro in 1957. The plant was later acquired by Babcock & Wilcox. The site is currently being renovated for $ 170 million tax revenue from the contaminated sites.

Apollo Affair

The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission noted in 1965 that 91 kg Highly enriched uranium had disappeared from the system. Uranium is considered a highly enriched, for example, if it contains more than 20 percent of the isotope 235. After the acquisition of the plant by Babcock & Wilcox further losses were observed. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that the loss to 269 kilograms ( 590 lb) of uranium in the period to 1968 and another 76 kg (170 lb) then, together 345 kg uranium 235th The visits of Israeli agents in the company indicate that the uranium was brought by Israeli intelligence from the United States.
