The Hurds

The silt Erlinge is a farce (ATU 1451 ). He stands in the Children's and Household Tales of the Brothers Grimm from the second edition of 1819 instead 156 ( KHM 156).


A beautiful but lazy girls often throws away flax, which is not easy to spin. A maid spins fine and it can make a pretty dress it. It is stamped on the stag night before the wedding, the lazy, the says " oh, wat dat Mäken can jump / in mines Slick Erlingen! " When her groom sees through this, he takes the other.


Grimm's note quoted from the Meklenburgischen and noticed that in a simple way an old theory is added to the housewife virtue, as in KHM 155 The Bride Show. S.a. For spinning KHM 14, 49, 55, 128, 181, 188
