The Stone Dance of the Chameleon

The stone circle of chameleons ( Org " The Stone Dance of the Chameleon" ) is a fantasy trilogy of the author Ricardo Pinto. It includes previously in German language in two volumes, the third volume was published in English in 2009. The original title of the final third volume is " The Third God".

  • The elect ( Org " The Chosen ," 1999); German, Klett - Cotta, 2001
  • The Outcasts ( Org " The Standing Dead" 2002); German, Klett - Cotta, 2002

Scene of the action

The stone circle of the chameleon tells the story of a world called " The Three land." This includes the " barbarian land ", the " Guarded Land", which is shielded from the outside world in the midst of the barbarian country and " Osrakum ", the heart of Gated country. As a geological feature of the three landing is to be mentioned that iron in this world of nature does not exist, it is only ever embarked by meteorites here. The conventional use of material is bronze. Precious and semi-precious stones and gold are indeed valuable and are used by the elect in a large amount, but rich in value by far not come close to iron.


In the three landing there is a strict hierarchy of blood, which consists of the " elect" with the "twin gods " at their head, the " Marumaga ," the common people and the " Sartlar ".

The twin gods

It was they who created the three land and its inhabitants. Since her death, the twin gods are always chosen from among the children of God Emperor and aroused by the " apotheosis ", a ritual in which the units of human blood eradicated and in pure " Ichor " to be converted into them anew to the life.

The elect

They represent the top of the hierarchy, since they are regarded as descendants of the twin gods. They differ from the other people through their blood, which, mixed with human blood, still contains the pure " Ichor " of the gods. From the people who elect " lord " are called and they are only allowed to show veiled by a mask. If it is possible nevertheless one to behold from the people of her face, he is severely punished. The elect are all, without exception, of radiant beauty and tower over the other people in their size considerably.


They are the children of the elect, who, however, have a "normal " parent and thus the people are closer than the elect.

The common people

It is considered by the elect as their slaves and treated accordingly. The so-called "flesh Tribute" some of their children will be passed to the elect and therefore becomes their " home people".


They are considered not only as sub-human, but much more than animals. Is available to it to do the work that is too difficult and too painful even for the common people.


In addition to the "common language" that every human being dominated in the Three Lands, the Chosen communicate through a sign language or speak " Quya ".


Is written in so-called " glyphs ". They are a picture writing similar to Egyptian hieroglyphics is where the Quya is transferred into images.

Action of the first volume of the trilogy

Protagonist of the trilogy is the beginning of the story 14 -year-old Carnelian (English Carnelian ), the Suth sardine (English Sardian ) and their house exiled people grow up away from the Gated country on an island with his father, the master. Suth Sarder, who rules his people relatively generous, carnelian taught diligently the laws and customs of the elect, saved him by its mildness yet before the true terror prevailing in the rest of the country. One day a ship arrives and three master enter the island, carnelian is very quickly overtaken by the cruel reality. Their leader, an elderly elect, called Aurum brings Suth Sarder, to the surprise of carnelian, to leave the island with a part of the house and the people return to the Guarded country. The occasion is the imminent demise of the twin gods and the election of new candidates.
