The Towers of Bois-Maury

The Towers of Bos - Maury is a comic book series by the Belgian cartoonist Hermann Huppen.


The regional or the High Middle Ages comic series tells of the travels of the knight and his squire Aymar Olivier ( at Carlsen: Oliver ). Aymar's wish is to see his home, the " Towers of Bos - Maury ". In his travels, he is confronted with thieves, jugglers, pilgrims and crusaders. As of volume 11 start new stories about the descendants of Aymar in later centuries. Therefore he called the series here only Bos - Maury.

Artist and lyricist of the series is Hermann Huppen, starting with volume 12, his son Yves Huppen is also responsible for the lyrics.

The albums

The Carlsen Verlag band released 1-10 as album of 1986 until 1994. Cult Editions installed all books with hardcover since 1998, volumes 11, 12 and 13 appeared as signed luxuries with the enclosed pressure.

Pictures of The Towers of Bois-Maury
