The White, the Yellow, and the Black

  • Eli Wallach: Sheriff Gideon
  • Giuliano Gemma: Stetson
  • Tomás Milián: Sakuro
  • Romano Puppo: Kelly
  • Jacques Berthier: Butler
  • Cris Huerta: Robinson Grasso
  • Rafael Albaicin: Comanchero
  • Lorenzo Robledo: Colonel
  • Manuel De Blas: Major Donovan
  • Nazzareno Zamperla: Sergeant Donovan

Stetson - Three scoundrels first class is a spaghetti westerns of Sergio Corbucci comedy from 1975 It was Corbuccis last film in the Western genre..


Sheriff Gideon, crooks Stetson and hostler Sakura, who considers himself a Samurai, set out to search for a stolen, valuable horse, which was intended as a gift from the Japanese government to the United States. The three disparate men come up again and again in the way, but have to contend with other competitors, including a group deserting Confederate soldiers.


" Confused rogue piece that was meant as a parody, but ended up being carelessly staged farce. "


The original title Il bianco, il giallo, il nero ( The White, the Yellow, the Black ) is the title of the film genre classic Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo inspired by Sergio Leone. Eli Wallach plays in two films one of the protagonists. With Giuliano Gemma and Tomás Milián two more spaghetti western stars are visible.
