Theophan Prokopovich

Theophan Prokopowitsch (* 1681 in Kiev, † September 8, 1736 in Novgorod ) was Archbishop of Novgorod and Vice President of the Holy Synod. He was the principal adviser to Peter the Great in church affairs.

Prokopowitsch came from a small Kiev merchant family. His theological studies he completed in Poland and in Rome. He then managed the training of priests in Kiev.

1716 called Peter the Great Prokopowitsch to Petersburg. First, he received in 1718 the bishopric of Pskov, then in 1725 the Archbishop of Novgorod chair. Prokopowitsch pursued a theology that opened the Enlightenment and thus the reform program Peters was close to the Great. This contrasted the conservative Orthodox clergy over with its center in Moscow.

Prokopowitschs important contribution reform was the "Spiritual Regulations " of 1720. With its collection to the Law by Peter the Holy Synod was installed, which replaced the Russian patriarch as head of the church and was based on a model of Protestant state churches - consistory. In many other treatises and sermons Prokopowitsch defended the reform program of the Czar on the basis of enlightened and natural law theories. He also advocated for public education.

The asteroid ( 6681 ) Prokopovich was named after him.
