Theretra boisduvalii

Theretra boisduvalii is a butterfly (moth ) from the family of moth ( Sphingidae ).

  • 4.1 Notes and references


Characteristics of the moths

The moths have a wingspan of 85-110 mm. The coloring of Theretra boisduvalii is not very variable. The species can be easily distinguished from Theretra alecto because of their dark brown forewings and the mostly black-colored hind wings. Theretra clotho is very similar to the obliquely across the forewing extending binding, however, is formed much stronger in this species. In Theretra boisduvalii it is in some individuals interrupted to individual strokes.

Features of the crawler

The caterpillars are about 100 mm long and occur as well among the similar species T. alecto up in a red-brown, a purple -brown and green color variant. Also like T. alecto they wear grown on the first to eighth segment with a yellow border ocelli and have a blue, slightly curved, squat Analhorn.

Egg and pupa

The eggs are about two millimeters in diameter is relatively large. They are oval and have a shiny pale green color. The pupa is 53-70 mm long and resembles with its light brown color and the keel -shaped proboscis that extends well above the head, strongly those of Theretra alecto.

Occurrence and habitat

The species occurs from southeastern Iran to the east up to Sri Lanka and the adjoining the Himalayas hills to about 400 meters above sea level to Southeast Asia and Borneo. The moths fly in late summer as a rare guests in the south-eastern Iran, and very rare in Turkey and Greece, where the species but not the winter. The species has, however, not been detected for several years in Europe. Are populated forest edges and agricultural areas where grapevine family ( Vitaceae ) are grown.

Way of life

Little is known about the life of Theretra boisduvalii. The adults are strongly attracted by artificial light sources and flowers. The caterpillars feed on grapevines ( Vitis ) and Virgin vine ( Parthenocissus ).

