
Yalkaparidon, in English also known as " Thingodontan ", is a marsupial genus of early and middle Miocene. It is considered a relic of Gondwana.

Origin of the name

The genus name is derived from the word Yalkaparidon yalkapari the Aboriginalsprache Waanyi ago yalkapari means " boomerang ". Thus Yalkaparidon is the " boomerang tooth".


Yalkaparidon was an animal the size of a rat. It had protruding and renewable lower incisors and crescent-shaped molars. Assumptions concerning the diet ranging from eggs to larvae, especially since the teeth have a resemblance to the teeth of the Streifentenreks, a recent Madagascan insectivores.


There are known two types:

  • Yalkaparidon coheni Archer, Hand, Godthelp, 1988, lived in the early Miocene and part of the Camel Sputum local fauna of Riversleigh on.
  • Yalkaparidon jonesi Archer, Hand, Godthelp, 1988, lived in the middle Miocene and part of the local fauna Dwornamor Riversleigh on.