
Thompsonella sp.

Thompsonella is a genus of flowering plants in the family Crassulaceae ( Crassulaceae ). The botanical name of the genus honors the American botanist Charles Henry Thompson ( 1870-1931 ).


The species of the genus Thompsonella are perennial, herbaceous plants bald or subshrubs. They are stemless or almost stemless, more or less flat rosettes of up to 42 centimeters in diameter. The rosettes consist of 10 to 25 stems comprehensive, fleshy, flat or slightly to strongly rinnigen and often bluish tinged foliage leaves with margins straight or wavy. The ( almost) seated, odorless flowers are fünfzählig and obdiplostemon.

The lateral, upright inflorescence is a narrow Thyrse or towards the tip or completely ährig and consists of 10 to 70 Wrap each with 1 to 12 flowers. The free, erect to ascending sepals are club-shaped and not spurred. The short fused together at the base of petals are outside sallow. Inside, they are covered in pale yellow background with dark, flowing into each other, purple spots and lines. Her narrow edges are yellowish.

The fruit is a follicle upright. The numerous pale yellowish brown, shiny seeds contained therein is like a net covered with irregular longitudinal ribs.

Systematics and distribution

The genus is Thompsonella in central and southern Mexico spread, where the plants grow best on limestone. The first description took Britton and Rose 1909 before. After Urs Eggli the genus Thompsonella of the species:

  • Thompsonella colliculosa
  • Thompsonella minutiflora
  • Thompsonella mixtecana
  • Thompsonella platyphylla
  • Thompsonella spathulata
  • Thompsonella xochipalensis

