Tibial nerve

The tibial nerve ( " tibial nerve " ) is one of two main branches of the sciatic nerve.

On the thigh of the tibial nerve (or already the sciatic nerve ) branches assign to some thigh muscles:

  • Biceps femoris ( long head only; short head is innervated by the peroneal nerve ( peroneal ) communis)
  • Semitendinosus
  • Musculus semimembranosus

Then he moves to the back of the knee, and from there into the calf between the heads of the gastrocnemius muscle and sends branches to the motor innervation:

  • Gastrocnemius muscle
  • Soleus muscle
  • Musculus plantaris
  • Musculus popliteus
  • Tibialis posterior ( in animals: tibialis caudalis )
  • Flexor digitorum longus ( in animals: the flexor digitorum medialis)
  • Flexor hallucis longus ( in animals: the flexor digitorum lateralis).

In the animals he also innervates the flexor digitorum superficialis.

The continuing main trunk of the tibial nerve is also a branch to the sensitive care of the skin of the calf, the cutaneous nerve surae medialis: from which unites with the communicating branch of the ulnar cutaneous surae lateralis to the sural nerve, ( in animals cutaneous nerve surae caudalis ) and then pulls the hock (tuber calcaneus ) over the feet. Because the sural nerve is relatively superficial under the skin of the lower leg and a removal has only a slight loss of sensitivity result, he is often used as interposition to bridge larger nerve defects.

At the level of the ankle, the tibial nerve divides into

  • Plantar nerve and the lateral
  • Medial plantar nerve

The plantar nerves take over the sensory supply to the sole of the foot and the motor innervation of the short toe muscle. They are occasionally affected by neuralgia, which is referred to as Morton's neuralgia ( Interdigitalneuralgie ).


In paralysis of the tibial nerve, a person can no longer stand on the toes because the calf muscles and the flexors fail. This gives a claws and calcaneus. In addition, the sensitivity goes to the above-mentioned Lost territories.

In animals manifests itself in a Tibialislähmung stretched toes and flexed ankle.
