Tim O'Reilly

Tim O'Reilly ( born June 6, 1954 in Cork, Ireland) is the founder and head of O'Reilly publishing, software developers involved in the field of free software and instrumental in the development of the Perl scripting language. In 1975 he completed his studies of classical antiquity studies with a Bachelor of Arts degree cum laude from Harvard University. O'Reilly is also the author of several books, which he sells in his own publishing house. With his article on Web 2.0 he was instrumental in the popularization of this key word.


O'Reilly Media published in 1992, when there were only a few hundred sites across the Web, the first book on the internet. In the book, even an entire chapter was devoted to the Internet. O'Reilly Media created in 1993 as the first web portal, the Global Network Navigator, GNN shortly. This page, the ever switched advertising as the first, was sold to AOL in 1995.

As O'Reilly in 1997 learned that the book Programming Perl, although one of the top was 100 books at Borders during 1996, but was hardly noticed by the computer industry, he held a Perl conference to make Perl known. He soon realized that other books of his company while were bestsellers, but were not perceived by the industry. He then invited in 1998 several conductors such projects to a meeting. This meeting was originally called freeware summit, but later became known as the Open Source Summit, as was seen at the meeting open source as a new term for the movement. The O'Reilly Open Source Convention, which also includes the Perl Conference, is now the main event of O'Reilly.

In 2001 there were upsets between Tim O'Reilly and Amazon, as O'Reilly led the protest against Amazon's one-click patent and in particular criticized the action of Amazon against the competitors B & N.com. The protest ended with a visit to Tim O'Reilly and Jeff Bezos ' in Washington, DC, where she operated lobbying for patent reform. Since then, Amazon requested Although other patents, this has not be used offensively.


Tim O'Reilly has six siblings. He has been married since 1975 and has two daughters.


Among his most famous works as an author include:

  • UNIX Text Processing ( with Dale Dougherty and Howard Sams, 1987)
  • Managing UUCP and USENET ( with Grace Todino )
  • The X Window System Users' Guide ( with Valerie Quercia )
  • The X Toolkit Intrinsics Programming Manual ( with Adrian Nye )
  • UNIX Power Tools ( with Jerry Peek and Mike Loukides )
  • Windows XP in a Nutshell ( with David Karp and Troy Mott )