Timbiqui, Cauca

Timbiqui on the map of Cauca

Timbiqui is a place and a municipality in the Colombian province of Cauca river of the same Timbiqui.


The three inhabitants per square kilometer sparsely populated municipality is located in the west of the province for the most part lined with mangroves and jungle lowlands, the average height is 5 m. The main town is about 10 kilometers from the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Other major rivers adjacent to the Río Timbiqui are Saija and Bubuey.

The climate is tropical humid with an average annual temperature of 28 ° C and up to 6000 mm of rainfall.

Adjacent are the municipality of López de Micay, in the east the municipios El Tambo and Argelia, in the south and west of the Pacific Guapi in the north.


Livelihoods are sugarcane, rice, bananas, coconuts and corn. The coconut cultivation is to be the most significant, although coca production, further processing and trade are likely to play a significant role.

In February 2011, to 9 m depth submersible, 31 m long submarine fiber was seized with 8 t load capacity before operation, which could reach the coast in a few days. The cost was estimated at 1.5 million euros. Until then, it had ensured only drug submarines in Colombia that could go just below the water surface.
