Timothy Gallwey

Timothy Gallwey ( born 1938 in San Francisco) is an American best-selling author and business consultant for human resources.

He completed the course of study of English Literature at Harvard University and served as Captain of the Harvard tennis team. Tim Gallwey also served as an officer in the U.S. Navy and was a co-founder of a college for liberal arts in the Midwestern United States. His career and experience in the sports education led him to publish his first international bestseller, "The Inner Game of Tennis ". Even in his later novels, "The Inner Game of Music" and "The Inner Game of Golf" and "The Inner Game of Skiing", as well as a business coach of many large corporations, he points to the paramount importance of the psyche for success in sport or out of business.

It shall do so to overcome avoidable self-imposed restrictions such as tension, self-doubt and fear of failure and inferiority complexes by simple psychological tips his focus. At the same time he also makes clear that the primary responsibility of the teacher or the parents and superiors is to put not counterproductive (especially intimidating ) educational measures precisely such negative " markers " to. In the last 20 years, Timothy Gallwey has implemented these mechanisms he mentions inner game primarily through seminars, lectures and individual coaching at corporations such as AT & T, IBM, Arco, Apple Computer or Coca Cola. Here, he has recently begun its priorities in consultation with the collaboration within companies and teams.

Works (selection)

  • Inner Game Coaching: Why are experience the best teacher. allesimfluss -Verlag, Staufen 2011, ISBN 978-3-980-91674-5
  • Tennis - The Inner Game: Through relaxed concentration for the best. Goldmann TB, Munich 2012, ISBN 978-3-442-21977-3
  • Inner Game Golf: The idea of ​​self-coaching. allesimfluss -Verlag, Staufen 2011, ISBN 978-3-980-91670-7