Tingstäde Church

The Church of Tingstäde (Swedish Tingstäde kyrka ) is a country church, the church community (Swedish Församling ) Stenkyrka and belongs to the diocese of Visby. It lies just north of the center of the Swedish island of Gotland, 20 km north-east of Visby in the small town Tingstäde.

It formerly belonged to the parish Tingstäde and is one of the largest medieval parish churches on the island. It is visible from a distance; the 55 m high tower serves as Seemarke, although the church is 10 km away from the nearest coast. Conversely, you can go to climb the tower with good visibility both in the East and in the West see the sea.

The oldest parts of the church date from about the year 1200, as can be concluded from the products manufactured by the master Calcarius sculptures.

Church building

The nave from the late 12th century and was originally equipped with a choir with apse. Its portal is obtained as the entrance to the sacristy. The choir vestry was replaced by a larger building in the 13th century. The west portal is to be imitated a portal of the cathedral at Visby. The church has medieval paintings on the 14th century on the walls of the tower chamber. These paintings have been completed at the beginning of the 18th century with a canopy on a medieval model.


In the church wall paintings found from the Middle Ages. They are one of the many examples of such murals on Gotland.


The baptismal font from the 12th century has been created from the master Majestatis. In addition to the other embellishments especially a triumph crucifix from the first half of the 14th century is worth mentioning that created the so-called Tingstädemeister. The altarpiece was painted in 1780 by Johan Weller.

Asylum Church

Tingstäde was one of three asylum churches on Gotland (next Atlingbo in the middle part and Fardhem in the southern part of the island). Here a suspicious person could take 40 days to complete protection, while negotiations took place. Probably this custom has arisen to prevent the spread of blood-revenge on the island.


Baptismal font


Cemetery portal



Church of North East


2003, the mobile telephony company 3GIS has installed a base station for 3G telephony in the church tower.

