Titicaca National Reservation

The Reserva Nacional del Titicaca is the Peruvian protected area of national importance on Lake Titicaca and comprises a quarter of the highest navigable lake in the world. In the department of Puno, the Reserve combines a huge biodiversity with unique cultural treasures, which are representative of the whole of Peru.

The reserve was proclaimed on 31 October 1978, the Decree 185 -78- AA and according to state data comprises 36,180 ha large parts of the lake areas in front of Puno. The area is divided into two sectors: the vast majority ( 21,150 ha) is located in Puno sector. A smaller portion ( 7013 ha) is located in the Ramis sector. The management of the site is the responsibility of the Peruvian national park agency Servicio Nacional de Areas Naturales por el Estado Protegidas ( SERNANP ), which belongs to the Peruvian Ministry of Environment. The area is designated as resource protection area of ​​IUCN category VI.

The aim of the park is to protect the natural resources of the ecosystem of Lake Titicaca and the surrounding highlands. The reed grass ( " tortora " ), which can be up to 4 m high is of particular importance for the life on the lake. Since it provides refuge and breeding habitat for many freshwater fish of the lake, birds in building their nests and it is used (building material for houses and rafts, medicine, fodder ) by the locals in many ways, is the preservation of large reedbeds one of the priorities of the reserve.

The protected area live many threatened and partially endemic physicians, including over 87 species of birds, 26 fish and 9 species of amphibians. Especially endemic bird species are found on the lake, including flamingos, various species of gulls and hummingbirds. Notable representatives of the flora of the lake are various water plants, including various species such as reed totora.


The following plants are characteristic of the conservation area

  • Bulrushes ( Schoenoplectus ), ( cattail ). This above all: Schoenoplectus californicus ( Reed gamme )
  • The still little explored bulrush Scirpus rigidus; ( Totorilla )
  • Myriophyllum quitense, ( Fenouil llachu ). This plant is used in Argentina for biomonitoring, as can be read in it the stress in aquatic systems.


The avifauna includes 13 families, some species occurring are ( German name, scientific name, Spanish name ):

  • Sharp-tailed duck ( Anas georgica ); Pato sutro
  • Chile - winged Teal (Anas flavirostris ); Pato colorado
  • Black -headed duck ( Oxyura ferruginea ); Pato puna
  • Andean Goose ( Chloephaga melanoptera ); Huallata
  • Moorhen ( Gallinula chloropus); Tiquicho
  • Andean Flamingo ( Phoenicoparrus andinus ); Parihuana
  • Andenbläßhuhn (Fulica ardesiaca ); Gallereta
  • Great Egret ( Ardea alba); Garza blanca
  • Andean Gull ( Chroicocephalus serranus ); Gaviota andina
  • Titikakataucher ( Rollandia microptera ); Zampullín del Titicaca
  • Punaibis ( Plegadis ridgwayi ); Cuervillo puneño
  • Olivenscharbe (Phalacrocorax brasilianus ); Biguá
  • Bins panties ( Phleocryptes melanops ); Junquero
  • Andean spur tyrant ( Lessonia oreas ); Sobrepuesto andino
  • Andean Swallow ( Haplochelidon other cola ); Golondrina Andina
  • Punaregenpfeifer (Charadrius alticola ); Chorlitejo Andino
  • Andensäbelschnäbler ( Recurvirostra andina ); Avoceta andina
  • Riesenbläßhuhn (Fulica gigantea ); Gallareta gigante
  • Chilean Flamingo (Phoenicopterus chilensis ); Flamenco austral
  • Silver Teal (Anas puna ); Pato puneño
  • Rolland divers ( Rollandia rolland ); Maca común
  • Inca Grebe (Podiceps occipitalis ); Maca plateado
  • Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax ); Garza bruja


The ecosystem in Lake Titicaca is threatened by various anthropogenic influences. The residents of the lake use its water for drinking. In recent decades, the water quality of the lake took but continuously. Above all, there is a lack of effective implementation of technical environmental protection. A cement factory 35 kilometers from Puno may be removed after it was privatized the operation to continue even at night. According to reports by local biologists so often, a large Kalkstaubwolke that pulls with the north wind over the lake. The lime goes down over the lake and the sanctuary.

The catch basin of the wastewater treatment plant of Puno are only separated by a wall of earth from the lake. In the rainy season regularly go unresolved feces into the lake, leading to a strong eutrophication and thus the formation of algae.


From the pier in Puno trips are offered in the reed areas of the protected area regularly. Even a small environmental education tent is operated by the harbor in the summer months.
