Togolese presidential election, 1998

The presidential elections in Togo in 1998, were carried out on 21 June 1998 at the West African nation of Togo. President Gnassingbe Eyadema was re-elected after this good 30 years of dictatorial government, according to official figures, with 52.1% of votes cast. The opposition contested the results and claimed victory for their candidate, Gilchrist Olympio of the Union des Forces du changement (UFC). International observers confirmed that voters were prevented by intimidation and harassment to the massive advantage of the incumbent from exercising their right to vote and the result thus not representative.

The Constitutional Court still found the " victory " Eyadema on 10 July 1998 and Eyadema was sworn in on July 24 in the National Assembly, the opposition boycotted the ceremony.

Results of the presidential election of 1998

