Tom Høyem

Tom Høyem ( born October 10, 1941), politician, journalist, publicist and headmaster, was a Danish Greenland minister and director of a number of European Schools.

In 1973 he participated in the founding of the Danish party Centrum- Demokraterne. From 1975 to 1979 he worked as an editor for Danish Language and Literature at the University of Stockholm and was simultaneously working as a foreign correspondent for the Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende. He participated in the founding of the Swedish center - Demokraterne and was its vice- chairman honor. In 1975 he founded a Danish folk high school and took as its chairman for the establishment of departments in many European countries. In 1979 he became director of a Danish boarding school.

In September 1982, he resigned as Minister of Greenland in the Danish government under Poul Schlüter and exercised this office until 1987. Then he took over the management of the European School Culham, 1994 was appointed Director of the European School of Munich and moved in 2000 to the European School in Karlsruhe as their leader.

In 1994, he joined the FDP and was elected to the municipal council of Karlsruhe, 2004. He became a member of Venstre, the liberal party of Denmark in 2005. Repeatedly, he was employed by the OECD and the Danish Government as election observers and indeed in Albania, Bosnia, Montenegro, Ukraine, Palestine and the Democratic Republic of Congo.


September 14, 1984 Danebrogorden
