Tommaso Mocenigo

Tommaso Mocenigo (* 1343, † April 4, 1423 in Venice) was the 64th Doge of Venice. He reigned from 1414 to 1423. During his reign Venice rose next to Milan, Florence, Naples and the Papal State on to one of Italy's five political and economic powers. The predominance of the Republic of the Adriatic Sea was secured by victories against Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and by curbing piracy. Politically and economically, there was the Serenissima at the summit of its power and glory.


Tommaso Mocenigo came from an extended family, from the six other members were elected Doge Pietro Mocenigo (1474-1476), one of the great sea and war heroes of Venice, Giovanni Mocenigo (1478-1485), Alvise Mocenigo I., ( 1570-1577), Alvise Mocenigo II (1700-1709), Alvise Mocenigo III. (1722-1732) and Alvise Mocenigo IV ( 1763-1778 ). After the Contarini presented the Doge Mocenigo most. The family came from Milan and had been taken before serrata, the closing of the Great Council in 1297 in the state of Nobili. She had a four -building complex, the Palazzo Mocenigo on the Grand Canal.


Tommaso had amassed a large fortune in trade with the Levant. For the Republic, he fought in the War of Chioggia against Genoa as commander of a warship, in 1395, he distinguished himself as a capitan general since mar at the top of the fleet. Also, he was ambassador in Geneva and the German Kaiser and procurator. He was not married.

The Dogenamt

Tommaso Mocenigo was ambassador to the Emperor Sigismund in Cremona, when he was elected in absentia on January 7, 1414 Doge.

His reign was characterized by foreign policy successes, territorial expansion and economic prosperity. 1416 there was the first major naval battle between the Turks and the Venetians, a series of sieges, battles and struggles followed until the final defeat of the Republic in the 18th century, in which the victory fell to the times one, sometimes the other. Winner in the battle off the island of Kallipolis in the Dardanelles was this time Venice under the captain-general Piero Loredan. In the following treaties with the Sultan Venice was initially a free hand for its maritime trade.


Mocenigo was buried in Zanipolo. The tomb, built around 1500, is one of the most important works of the Venetian sculptor Tullio Lombardo and architects.
