Michele Steno

Michele Steno (c. 1331; † December 26, 1413 ) was from 1400 to 1413 Doge of Venice. With Steno the expansion of the territory of Venice began on the mainland, called the Terraferma.


The Steno among the case vecchie and were primarily active as merchants and sailors. Michele Steno was the son of Giovanni and Lucia Steno Lando.


Steno was before he was elected Doge Consigliere, Admiral and Diplomat. During his tenure as procuratore di supra had the Chapel of San Domenico built in Zanipolo. Steno was married to Marina Gallina, descendant of one of tribunician families.

The Dogenamt

Choosing Michele Zenos in the Dogenamt was celebrated for several months with balls, parades and spectacles of all kinds.

Zeno aimed at the expansion of the Venetian territory on the Terraferma, that belonged to the war party. He was supported in his policy of conquest by his confidant and advisor, the young Francesco Foscari, who later became one of the most Doge of Venice was. 1404 began the campaign on the mainland, were subjected at the Padua, Verona, Vicenza, Feltre, Belluno and Bassano.

Under Zeno members of the Senate were doubled and the court of the Auditori nuovi all sententie, set up, who were responsible for legal cases on the Terraferma. They controlled the management bodies on the Terraferma and were given far- reaching powers.

For the representative embodiment of the south front of the Ducal Palace, he donated the Transcript window so called, according to the inscription in 1404, which was created by brothers dalle Masegne.

During his Dogats in Venice a series of natural disasters, such as the extraordinary flood and a hurricane in 1410 occurred.


Steno was already erect in his lifetime his grave monument in the church of Santa Marina, where he was also buried. In the wake of the Napoleonic secularization of the church his tomb was removed from the church.
