Tony Buzan

Tony Buzan ( born June 2, 1942 in London ) is a British mental trainer and author of popular science books on creativity, mnemonics, speed reading and learning. Buzan has become famous for coining the term mind map and the introduction of its methodological application.

He worked after studying psychology, English and mathematics as a science journalist and editor. Already in the 1960s Buzan came as editor of the International Journal of MENSA public appearance. Since the success of his book, Make the Most of Your Mind ( 1977) has Buzan involved in numerous popular science books, articles and television films, including the brain and creativity research.

Buzan participated in the founding of the thinking sports Olympics. In addition, Tony Buzan founder and organizer of the World Memory Championships and head of the World Memory Sports Council.

Buzan is also a member of the high IQ club Mensa International and has also published several years their Member International Journal of MENSA.

He has co-authored several books with the chess grandmaster Raymond Keene.
