Toolache wallaby

Eastern Irmawallaby, drawing by John Gould

The Eastern Irmawallaby ( Macropus greyi ), is an extinct Känguruart from the sub-genre of wallabies ( Notamacropus ).

Eastern Irmawallabys were relatively small representative of the Wallabies. They had the typical physique of most kangaroos with long, powerful hind legs, muscular tail and the short front paws. Their fur was colored mainly gray, the underside was bright, hands and feet were black. At the end of the tail there was a tassel with light hair.

These kangaroos lived in southeastern Australia. Its distribution area covered the south-east of South Australia and possibly adjacent parts of Victoria. Their habitat were open areas such as heaths and grasslands. They lived in groups and fed mainly on grass.

Until the early 20th century, the species was as often, then began a dramatic decline in populations. The reasons for this were the one in the conversion of their habitat in pastures, on the other hand in the enactment by introduced predators and the third in the hunting - both for their fur as well as from sports grounds. The last known wild specimen died in 1924, some animals survived in captivity until 1937.
