TORRO scale

The TORRO scale, even for a short T- scale, is a scale for measuring the intensity of tornadoes or strong wind events and includes the categories T0 to T10. It was developed by Terence Meaden of the "Tornado and Storm Research Organisation " ( TORRO ), a meteorological organization in the United Kingdom as a supplement to the Beaufort scale. The scale was tested from 1972 to 1975 and then published by the Royal Meteorological Society.

In the scale T0 represents the equivalent of Beaufort 8 and is linked to the Beaufort scale, using the formula T = ( Bft/2-4 ). She also differs from the Fujita scale that only wind velocities and no phenomenological characteristics such as the extent of the devastation are used for classification. The scale is used mainly in the UK and Central Europe, while the Fujita scale rather apply in the U.S.. Tornadoes in the UK, mostly achieve this thickness from T0 to T6, the strongest observed so far has been classified with T8. The most powerful American tornado would, however, than T11 classified according to the T- scale. In German-speaking countries also finds the ajar to the T - scale tornado classification of TorDACH use ( see Related links ) as it better reflects the local buildings.
