Transmigration program

Transmigration is a 1969 launched to implement and Neuansiedelungsprojekt the Suharto government in Indonesia, so far 1.7 million families or 6.85 million people changed by the resident.

More than half of Indonesia's population lives on the extremely fertile due to the volcanic island of Java. A correspondingly high population density and shortage of resources are the consequences. While Java is economically advanced, many of the outer islands are underdeveloped.

Through targeted resettlement of families in the wake of the so-called transmigration project on outer islands of the population pressure should be lowered on the main islands like Java and at the same time the economy of the Outer Islands are promoted. Only families were in the transmigration project included, certain conditions, such as experience in agriculture and the ability to read and write fulfilled. The transmigration families have been in the time after resettlement support through initial deployment of a residential property, agricultural land, seeds and staple foods.


There were armed conflicts between the Muslim Javanese and the actual inhabitants of the Indonesian islands, which belong to the part of the Christian religion or ethnic origin (see for example, Maluku and Western New Guinea). Large areas of the Indonesian rain forest were destroyed by the settlements. With a very low yield, due to the nutrient-poor rainforest soil, and not to the rainforest adapted agricultural practices, there was a depletion of transmigration settlers.
