Transmission System Operator

Transmission system operators ( TSO, Eng. Transmission system operator, short TSO) are service companies that operate operational infrastructure of the trans-regional gas networks for the transport of natural gas, provide need-based maintenance and sizing and grant gas traders / suppliers non-discriminatory access to these networks. The transmission system is at the tighter network of distribution system operators ( DSOs ) connected to ensure the supply of retail in general.

State regulation

Transmission networks are natural monopolies and their operators are generally subject to state supervision.

In Germany in 2005 joined with the second amendment of the Energy Industry Act ( Energy Act ), the model of " regulated network access " in force. It empowers the Agency to regulate transmission system operator. Network operators must thereafter to all gas suppliers provide access to its pipeline network, for which they receive a fee. The sequence of the non-discriminatory access to the network by various competitors is governed by the regulation of network access ( access control); Here the so-called entry-exit model was introduced in 2006. The Federal Network Agency also monitors the network charges as part of incentive ( price regulation ).

Independent transmission system operator

With the specifications of 3 EU internal market package that were legally valid by the amendment of the Energy Act in November 2010 and were to be implemented by March 2012, it also came to extensive unbundling requirements that the conversion of integrated network operators to so-called "independent transmission system operators " (Independent transmission Operator, ITO) required. This includes the requirement to fully delineate in name and external appearance of the trading activities of the parent companies. These provisions resulted in practice in Germany to numerous sales of network operators by the integrated energy companies (sale of Open Grid Europe by E.ON, RWE sale of Thyssen gas, etc.).

In Austria, E-Control is the regulatory body for TSOs.

Network operators in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

In Germany, there are a total of 17 transmission system operators; these are divided into two market areas: gas pool, mainly in northern and eastern Germany, and NetConnect Germany, mainly in western and southern Germany:

  • Gas Pool: GASCADE, GTG North ( subsidiary of EWE ), Gasunie Germany, jordGas ( subsidiary of Statoil), Nowega, Ontras - VNG, Lubmin Brandov gas transport, OPAL gas transport, Fluxys Germany, Gasunie Baltic Sea pipeline link (GOAL ) and NEL gas transport;
  • NetConnect Germany: Bayer Nets, GRTgaz Germany, Open Grid Europe, Terra Nets BW, Fluxys TENP and Thyssen gas

In Austria, the OMV subsidiary Gas Connect Austria, and the Baumgarten - top Gasleitungsgesellschaft Society ( BOG) and the Trans Austria Gas operates. In Switzerland it is the Swiss gas.
