
The trasformismo ( political concept ): Not translatable ism of trasformazione - Italian for transformation, metamorphosis, transformation.


The trasformismo is a political practice, which consists in the cancellation of the traditional political dialectic, by leveling and homogenizing the ideological differences of the parliamentary groups. The term is also used as a term constant political turnaround.


The Italian concept of trasformismo refers to a political practice, in particular happened since 1882 in Italy, after it has been played by Cavour on the way to Italian unity government. At this time it is the left - liberal Italian Prime Minister Agostino Depretis, involving the right wing liberal with his government and so coined the term. This creates in the political sphere of Italy at that time a new, moderate Reformation occurring, centrist camp that the progressive advances of the radicals can control in Parliament.

In fact, the Transformismo able to significantly inhibit the years of the late 19th century the political discourse in Italy. As a result, the dialectical dance is neutralized in parliament and increasingly replaced by klientelären conditions. These in turn are ultimately directed by the Prime Minister. The designated trasformismo tactical paralysis of the policy is guided by Depretis of the Prime Ministers of Francesco Crispi and Giovanni Giolitti and eventually empties into the corruption and decay, accompanied by restlessness of the period after the First World War.

The concept of continuous trasformismo is part of the Italian history of democracy and works up to the present time into it: eg in concordance democracy in the 1980s.

The trasformismo has a natural tendency to homogenize political activity and is thus contrary to the two - or multi-party system.
