Trautenfels Castle

Trautenfels Castle is a castle in the municipality Pürgg - Trautenfels Liezen in Styria. It lies on the Enns on a ledge at the foot of Grimmig to 673 m above sea level. A..


The construction was 1260/62 first mentioned in the possession of the Archbishopric of Salzburg. He lay at the intersection of road salt with the route through the Enns Valley and served as a dam. Until the 16th century the castle was named Neuhaus '. From this time, Renaissance frescoes are remarkable with fantastic landscapes. They were the occasion of the wedding of the former castle owner Ferdinand Hoffmann with Margarete von Harrach probably created in 1563 by a northern Italian artist. 1664 acquired the Styrian Captain Count Siegmund Friedrich von Trauttmansdorff the castle. 1670-1672 was the palace its present form and Trautenfels was called. The massive rectangular building with (now covered ) courtyards and a mighty tower housed on the first floor a room with significant interior decoration ( 1670-1673 ), with frescoes by Carpoforo Tencalla. Also worth mentioning are the detached palace chapel and the five bastions.

After numerous changes of ownership, Josef Graf Lamberg bought the castle in 1878. After the Second World War, it acquired the Styrian Youth Hostel Association, until it came into the possession of the municipality Pürgg - Trautenfels and the Province of Styria in 1983. The reconstruction and revitalization of the museum utilization took place from 1988 to 1992 according to plans by architect Manfred Wolff- Plottegg. In 1992, the Styrian Provincial Exhibition was held here. The castle is now Landscape Museum (as part of the Styrian Joanneum Universal Museum ).

Landscape Museum at Trautenfels Castle

The castle presented in a permanent collection around 1000 exhibits on the natural and cultural history both of the Enns and the Ausseerland. In addition, the Antler Room of Count Lamberg, the magnificent marble hall, the ornate state rooms and an observation tower for visitors are opened. Overall, the museum features over 40,000 individual pieces as well as a folklore specialist library.


A few meters to the west of the castle lies on the same ridge are the ruins of the Protestant Church Neuhaus. This was the time of the Reformation, the most important religious center of the Protestants in the upper Enns Valley. The church was built by the lords of the castle in Trautenfels. But soon she was being destroyed by the Counter-Reformation to the victim. In 1991, the remains of the building has been archaeologically excavated and set up as a memorial.
