Trials Evolution

Trials Evolution is a downloadable 2.5D platform racing game that was developed by RedLynx and published by Microsoft Studios on April 18, 2012. The player controls a motorcyclist while crossing obstacles. The Gold Edition of Trials Evolution was published on 21 March 2013.


Single Player

In Trials Evolution, the player controls a motorcyclist from the beginning to the end of a course, whereby a number of obstacles to be overcome. The aim is to complete the course as fast as possible and with as few accidents. The game uses 3D graphics, but is played on a 2D plane, so you can move the driver only forward and backward. In addition, the player can control the inclination of the motorcycle at low speed or in the air. The game contains 50 single player levels.


Trials Evolution includes a multiplayer mode that lets you play up to four players on the same system or over the Internet. At one device can be only so-called " Supercross Maps" play, where four motorcycles can ride side by side. Online, these maps also playable, but you can also play normal maps, in which the defendant may appear only as ghosts there. About the Internet or Xbox LIVE, you can its statistics, such as reached medals and earned money, compare with those of his friends. In leaderboards, players can compare both with friends as well as in global lists with all the players.


Players can in the in- game editor to design their own cards and then ride and share online with others. This time players are two versions of the editor available. The Editor Lite is similar to the create in Trials HD, in which players courses in a user friendly manner. The game has assigned it a per - editor in which you have full access to the content creation. In this, players can not only use the functions of the Lite editor, but also create courses in the visual programming language with very different scenarios.
