Troika (triumvirate)

The term Troika (formerly called triumvirate ) in übertragenenen sense as a term for a three-person leadership used. The name is derived from the original use of the term: Troika, a team with three draft animals next to each other.


  • Thus, the leadership of the SPD was in the 1970s with Willy Brandt known as party leader, Herbert Wehner as fraction chairman and Helmut Schmidt as Chancellor as Troika.
  • In the 1990s, Gerhard Schröder, Oskar Lafontaine and Rudolf Sharping tried another round of political troika, but this failed relatively soon on the contrasts between the parties.
  • In 2011, a troika of Peer Steinbrück, Frank -Walter Steinmeier, Sigmar Gabriel, and was discussed in the media.
  • On September 28, 2012 Sigmar Gabriel announced at a press conference at the Willy -Brandt -Haus in Berlin ahead of time that the troika continue to consist of him as federal chairman of the SPD, from Frank -Walter Steinmeier as fraction chairman and Peer Steinbrück as chancellor candidate for the parliamentary election in 2013 will.


  • In the European Union, a group of three countries was called troika: they consisted of the land, which currently holds the six-month rotating presidency, the country that previously held, as well as that which will take him next. This triad played an important role in the EU. It was replaced with the beginning of 2007 through the so-called tripartite presidency.
  • In the area of ​​common foreign and security policy, the Troika refers to the President of the Council, the High Representative of the CFSP and the Commission President.
  • Often, the term Troika was also related to the trio Gerhard Schroeder, Jacques Chirac and Vladimir Putin.
  • Since the euro crisis from 2010, the troika of the European Commission ( European Commission ), the European Central Bank ( ECB) and International Monetary Fund ( IMF) in the media also referred to as the Troika. The term was introduced at the beginning of the euro crisis of the Greek media for the head of those delegations; the media of other European countries took up the name.

Outside Europe

  • The "Great Troika " (Russian Большая тройка ) was in the Second World War the leaders of the countries of the anti -Hitler coalition: Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin.
  • Nikita Khrushchev, Beria and Georgy Malenkov Lawrenti prevailed in the Soviet Union from March to June 1953 of Stalin's death to the arrest of Beria.