Tuber aestivum

A bulbous fruit bodies of summer truffle (Tuber blotii ) in the gate

The summer or Burgundy truffle (Tuber blotii, Syn Tuber aestivum Vittadini 1831 [nom. Ill. ], Tuber uncinatum ), called in Piedmont also Scorzone, is a species of fungus in the family truffle relatives and is one of the genuine truffles. Molecular biological studies revealed that it is a single species in the summer truffles and burgundy truffles.

  • 6.1 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

This truffle has more or less spherical or bulbous fruit bodies that reach two to three inches in diameter. It has a dark brown to black skin, consisting of pyramidal warts. The flesh is very firm and hard, comparable with turnip or carrot, and streaked with whitish-gray veins that make it appear like mottling. Jung is the flesh tinted yellowish whitish and in older fruiting bodies. The fungus has a garlic - or malted smell. Reif he quickly develops a metallic smell.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores are brown.


Similarly, does the Perigord truffle (Tuber melanosporum ), which differs from the summer truffle at maturity by a darker meat and fewer and thinner, white veins. The taste of the Perigord truffle is much more aromatic, which is why it is much more expensive.

Ecology and phenology

The fungus is found in deciduous woods, especially under oak and beech trees, on base-rich limestone and marl soils. Less often you meet him in coniferous forests.

The summer truffle appears immature in June and ripe in September. The fruiting bodies can last into February until the following year.


The fungus grows in Provence, Spain, Italy, Albania, Hungary and Turkey, and even in Switzerland you can find him. Sometimes he is also in southern Germany, eastern Austria and rare to find even in England.


The taste of summer truffle is very pleasant nutty in a good state of maturity. However, because of its mild taste, it is less popular than other types of truffles. Use finds the truffle as Würzpilz, often artificial flavors are added leads.


  • Andreas Gminder: Manual for mushroom pickers. 340 species of Central Europe certainly determine. Kosmos, Stuttgart 2008, ISBN 978-3-440-11472-8. S. 341
  • Ettore Bielli: mushrooms. A comprehensive guide for determining and collecting mushrooms. Italian original title: Funghi. Kaiser, Klagenfurt 2002, ISBN 3-7043-2179-6. S. 209