
Tuberculin is a mixture of proteins extracted from bacteria ( Mycobacterium bovis and Mycobacterium avium). This makes it possible for people with the appropriate bacteria already had contact with ( and have made appropriate repellents ) a skin reaction in terms of a delayed hypersensitivity trigger ( tuberculin test).

First versions of the tuberculin derived from Robert Koch ( 1890), who mistakenly saw it as a cure for tuberculosis and tested it on a large scale, which then led to the so-called " tuberculin " scandal.


Bovine or avian tuberculin PPD is prepared from the water-soluble fractions of Mycobacterium bovis or Mycobacterium avium cultures, which were grown in synthetic liquid media and were killed after incubation in flowing steam, filtered and then concentrated in a water bath. The consisting mainly of protein active fraction of the filtrate was isolated by precipitation, washed and re-dissolved. An anti-microbial preservatives such as phenol, which does not cause false positive results may be added. The sterile mycobakterienfreie final preparation is distributed aseptically into sterile tamper -proof glass containers that are sealed in such a way that contamination is excluded. The preparation can be freeze-dried.
