Tuda of Lindisfarne

Tuda of Lindisfarne ( † about 664 ), also known as the Holy Tuda was 664 Abbot and Bishop of Lindisfarne.

Tuda grew up in Ireland, but was strict followers of the Roman Catholic practices. He wore a Roman tonsure and celebrated Easter according to the Roman calendar. His episcopal ordination took place in Ireland. Tuda followed the Celtic- Christian bishop Colman in office.

It is narrated that Tuda 664 Bishop was. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle contains in its section 656 for an entry for the clergy of Medhamsted (or Peter- borough ), which is called Tuda under the consecrators.

In the same Chronicle is recorded in the year 664, that Tuda had died of the plague, and was buried in Wayleigh. His feast day is 21 October.
