
The Tuesday after German count (DIN 1355), the second day of the week, according to the Jewish, Christian and Islamic count of third parties.


The name " Tuesday", Middle Low German things roof, going to the occupied by the Latinized name Mars Thingsus Nordic-Germanic god Tyr, protector of Things, back, and is a Lehnübertragung from Latin This Martis " day of Mars". The word has spread from the Lower Rhine forth in the German language area and displaces the original shape Ziestag. This has been preserved only in the Alemannic Zischtig / Zischdi and comes via Old High German ziestag / ziostag ( "Day of Ziu " ) from the same God Tyr in the Old High German form of writing Ziu. This in turn corresponds to the English spelling Tuesday (Old English tiw " Zio ", therefore tiwesdæg " Tuesday" ).

The North Germanic variant Tyr appears for example in Danish and Norwegian tirsdag tirsdag / tysdag (on Bokmål / Nynorsk ) and goes back to the Old Norse tysdagr, presumably mediated Gothic missionaries, similar to Saturday and Pfinztag ( Thursday).

In Swabia, especially in the area of the Diocese of Augsburg, Tuesday was also called after Monday ( Nachmontag ). The Bavarian dialect word Ertag ( Erchtag, Irda ) is probably about Gothic placement on the Greek day names areos Hemera ( " day of Ares " = Mars) back, probably being played in by Wulfila to Arianism converted Goths, the name of Arius in the dissemination.


The sign for the Tuesday ♂, which is among other things for the man and the planet Mars.
