Turbinicarpus hoferi

Turbinicarpus hoferi

Turbinicarpus hoferi is a flowering plant in the genus Turbinicarpus from the cactus family ( Cactaceae ).


Turbinicarpus hoferi grows individually with gray-green, depressed spherical bodies and has fibrous roots. The body can reach diameter of 3 to 5 centimeters. Your bumps are rounded to rhomboid. The thorns are dimorphic. For young plants 6 to 13 white thorns are present, which are arranged in a comb shape. Full-grown plants have 4-7 needle-like, not korkige thorns which are gray with a darker tip, and 3 to 5 millimeters long.

The white flowers are 2.5 inches long and have diameters of 1.5 to 2 centimeters. The first fruits are greenish brown later. They reach a length of 5 to 7 mm and a diameter of 3.5 to 4 millimeters.

Systematics, distribution and hazard

Turbinicarpus hoferi is widespread in the southern Mexican state of Nuevo León. The first description was in 1991 by Jonas Martin Lüthy and Alfred Bernhard Lau ( 1928-2007 ). Turbinicarpus hoferi be listed in Annex I of the CITES Convention. In the Red List of Threatened Species IUCN as " Critically Endangered (CR ) ', ie classified threatened with extinction.

