
4.966666666666736.483333333333Koordinaten: 4 ° 58 'N, 36 ° 29'

Turmi is a village in the Woreda Hamer Bena in the Debub Omo Zone (South Omo ) in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia in the south region. It is next to Dimeka the largest settlement in the country of ethnic Hamar and has a weekly market, which is also attended by local merchants as by tourists. From Turmi lead three roads to Dimeka, after Arbore and to Omorate.

Turmi 2005 had 1,087 inhabitants, according to the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia. According to the census of 1994, out of a population of 600 200 Amhara, 75 Hamar, 73 Gofa, 59 Gamo, 57 Oromo, Konso 50, 25 Wolaytta and 61 members of other ethnic groups. 316 spoke Amharic as their mother tongue, 66 Hamar, 43 Oromo, Konso 40, 39 Gamo, 39 Gofa, 14 Wolaytta and 43 other languages ​​.

From 27 to 31 January 2005, met in Turmi members of pastoral peoples from 23 countries on four continents, to discuss common problems and develop possible strategies to preserve their way of life.
