The project of Markus Möller and Sean Andrew Kollak launched in November 2009 with a public beta phase and was presented at CeBIT 2010, the public. Since late 2009, it was reported in the print media and radio broadcasts about the project. 2010, won in the category " society" the second prize at the German Social - Media Prize.

The service was discontinued on 1 August 2012, as this was not met with the expected interest. At this time, over 2000 users had written more than 20,000 entries in two languages.


Through an open REST API external applications could access the existing entries.

Particulars differed adjacent the given shortly mainly because of other online encyclopedias that for each topic as many articles could be set. A system of rankings, on which all the registered users could participate equally certain that the best rated each statement appeared in searches prominent position; Articles that assessed the community as incorrect or incomplete, rank in search results on irrelevant rear ranks.

The subjects were automatically provided with keywords. With this indexing, it was possible to find other related topics.

In June 2011, launched the official second phase of the project, in which the platform was extended to include functions for community building ( Wall, message center, automatic notifications ).

Linking with other media

The aim of the platform was to provide the collected observations by as many links to other services and media available to the public. By mashups external services have been enriched by short explanations.

On websites

At the platform the plugin belonged Tool Tip: On sites where the corresponding JavaScript code the tooltip was built, the short definitions of was directly available. Visitors to the site had this can not be forwarded by hyperlink to Instead, the texts of the linked Twicks appeared on each page even as mouseover - to read there was always the item the community has chosen each term to most relevant. For the blog software WordPress existed a corresponding plugin.

On Mobile

In addition to look up explanations were the Twickdroid Apps (Android), Mobile (iPhone ), -2 -go (iPhone ) and -2- goHD (iPad ) is available.

In Audio Format
