
Typescript is a programming language developed by Microsoft Corporation, based on the proposals for future ECMAScript 6 standard. Language constructs of Typescript, such as classes, interfaces, inheritance, modules, anonymous functions, generics and static typing should also be taken in ECMAScript 6.

Developed by Microsoft Typescript compiler compiles Typescript Code ECMA Script 3 ( ES3 ), optionally after ECMAScript 5 ( ES5 ). Typescript is backward compatible with popular JavaScript libraries.

Typescript support modules with the capsules of classes, interfaces, functions and variables into separate namespaces. A distinction is made between internal and external modules. Internal modules are aligned on the module specification for ECMAScript 6, whereas external modules use a JavaScript library (AMD or CommonJS ).

Typescript can be integrated with the help of plug-ins in different build management tools, including Grunt ( grunt - ts), Apache Maven ( Typescript Maven plugin) and Gradle ( Typescript Gradle plugin).
