
As a sentence is referred to in a print shop, a publisher, or the like. the step, the ( text, graphics, images, etc. ) is prepared by a technical process from a template, a pressure suitable form. Also, the product of the setting process itself is called a " set ", " set" the work as.

The set with movable (metal) letters was in Europe in 1440 by Johannes Gutenberg reinvented after it was known 200 years ago in Korea, but hardly found application.

Set method

There was a typesetter for the different methods to generate the set:

Lead set

The oldest method of producing rate is the lead sentence. Until the late 1970s, he was the dominant set method.

Lead set with hand set

Until the 19th century led to the typesetter lead type by hand exclusively in the set method. When hand set each header lines were composed by individual letters, consisting of a lead alloy. It has unsuccessfully tried to increase the speed by so-called logotypes. This syllables or whole words were cast together on a Type. You should reduce the number of steps.

Lead set by machine set

In 1822 the first patent was granted on a typesetting machine. First, an attempt was made to use in the machine, the letters from the hand set. This method, however, failed because the alloy types was too soft for machining. Success then had such machines that put header rows using matrices and this could re- pour each. Members of this genus were, inter alia, Put the machine makes Linotype, Monotype, typographer.

Photo set

This set of procedures called also "cold" or " weightless " sentence because here the artwork was produced photographically or photo electronically. In phototypesetting fell from a light source rays through a Character carriers. An optical system bundled them so that the desired size the font on a light- sensitive film or paper appeared. In Germany, presented in 1959 at the first photo typesetting machine.

There were three generations of phototypesetting machines: the first based on the earlier lead typesetting machines, only one had the caster replaced by an exposure chamber and the matrices now wore transparent glass negatives of Scripture instead of embossed pits. An example is the Monophoto or InterType photo Etter. The second generation of machines consisted of independent developments such as the InterType Fotomatic or Linofilm. The third generation of machines ( digiset, Linotron ) produced the letters electronically. The characters were stored electronically, a cathode ray tube or a laser transferred them to the light-sensitive material.

Computer-based set / digital set

Most of the publications is created on the computer these days and is divided into the areas of desktop publishing and the structure theorem.

Desktop Publishing

In recent decades, the 1985 introduced desktop publishing (DTP ) - Typesetting and layout on the computer - replaced the previous set of techniques and largely obsolete. Intermediate steps such subsequent upheaval or mounting to a page layout, as they were required in the previous method, omitted. The new set of techniques of the computer allow freer design options compared to those of the lead sentence and higher productivity.

Structure set / Werksatz

In contrast to desktop publishing automatically wrap-around body texts are created when you set structure or work rate, which usually contain few or no illustrations. The above are based structured data (XML) which flow through a technical code ( template) into a suitable set of system and mockup automated. The translator's power lies in the design of the template.
