Ubi primum (Pius IX., 1849)

Ubi primum is an encyclical of Pope Pius IX. , It was released on February 2, 1849, is subtitled "On the Immaculate Conception."

With this encyclical Pius IX passes. Preparations one to develop a Church dogma. He refers also to a statement by his predecessor Pope Gregory XVI. , Who had already taken a position on some issues. Pius had received as it did Gregor many requests and suggestions.

Pius IX. announced that he had appointed a commission, which is composed of cardinals, bishops, priests and other clergy. This Commission should develop the theological, historical and religious foundations and test according to the needs of the canon law. He now awaited their report, then to be able to initiate the decision-making process, but at the same time asked his brothers to theological and pastoral posts.
