
The Ulitschen (Russian Уличи ) were a tribal confederation ostslawischer in the lower Dnieper and on the Black Sea coast. One of the first Slavs who migrated here from the Prypiat area, included in the 6th century, the formants and the Duleben. The field of Ulitschen ranged from archaeological finds, according to Ros in the north to the Dniester River in the west. Ulitschen often be associated with the Penkowka culture. The Ulitschen refer to the Primary Chronicle, the southern neighbors of the Poljanen and eastern neighbors of the Tiwerzen mention. The Ulitschen fought against the Kievan princes for their independence, but had to mid-10th century to accept the suzerainty of Kievan Rus. Under the pressure of the Pechenegs Ulitschen were pushed northward and mingled with the Wolhyniern.
