
The Volhynians (Ukrainian Волиняни, Russian Волыняне ) were a composite tribe of the Eastern Slavs, which was named after them Volyn region inhabited at the end of the first millennium and the beginning of the 2nd millennium ( at the headwaters of Pripyat and along the Western Bug ).


As their ancestors Duleben are suspected. Their neighbors were the White Croats and the Buschanen, in the West the West Slavic Vistulans, in the north and in the east the Dregowitschen Drevlianians in the south. The tribe's name derives possibly from the legendary lost city now Volyn region ( near the present-day eastern Polish village of Gródek ). Another important city of Volhynians was the ancient fortress Tscherwen, today's Polish Czermno, the eponymous center of the German so-called Rotburgenland, actually Tscherwener Burgenland.

The Volhynians be mentioned by the Arab geographer al - Mas'udi Wolinana as they are enumerated in the Primary Chronicle. In the year 907, the Volhynians attended the Kiev campaign against Byzantium. In the year 981 they were joined by Vladimir the Holy of Kievan Rus. He had a new city Vladimir - Volynsky set up and installed in place of the tribal princes of Kievan a governor. During the period of feudal fragmentation of Rus arose in their settlement area, the part of the Principality of Galicia - Volhynia.
