Ulmus procera

Ulmus procera

The English elm (Ulmus procera ), also called hair - elm, is a flowering plant in the family of the elm family ( Ulmaceae ).


The English elm is about 20 meters wide, deciduous tree, the heights of growth from 1 to 40 meters and has reached a thick, up to the treetop straight trunk. The bark is dark brown and furrowed. The oval, hairy leaves are up to 10 cm long.

The numerous, tiny elm flowers grow densely in very small reddish-brown doldigen buds on the branches and the end of February already appear to April before the leaves. The inconspicuous, green flowers with red border and brown stamens not bloom every year equally strong. After flowering, the small winged fruits develop rapidly spread by the wind.


The English elm found in many parts of Europe their distribution and grows in woods and hedges. This stately tree can be a good five hundred years old and needed to its full beauty to unfold 150 years. Nowadays it is difficult to find older hair - elms, because the more time to occur from time Dutch elm disease, the majority ( in England are more than 10 million trees have died from this disease ) has destroyed this Ulmenart.

Key Ingredients

Tannins, phytosterols, mucilage, bitter substances, potassium, silica
