
Under the ulnar deviation refers to a abduction of the fingers in the direction outside of the hand (Latin ulnar, of ulna "Elle" - the outer bone of the forearm ). It is one of the inflammatory joint changes and is characteristic of chronic polyarthritis.

By relaxing the bands it comes to the shift of the carpal bones and to a radial deviation of the metacarpals. To compensate for this joint position, the fingers move to the outside. In this case, move the articular surfaces of the metacarpophalangeal joints ( subluxation ), which in turn favors the swan.

To relieve the joints and muscles, a Ulnardeviationsschiene or AUD brace be worn. It keeps the metacarpophalangeal joints in their normal position, thus improving the gripping function.

The ulnar deviation is one of the cardinal symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.


  • Birgit Schröder, hand therapy. Thieme, 2008, p 190 ff, ISBN 978-3-13-117642-4.
  • Disease symptom
  • Disease in rheumatology