Ultraman (endurance challenge)

Ultraman ( triathlon) is an extra-long version of the triathlon, where the distance to be traveled distances considerably exceed that of the simple Ironman. A Ultraman consists of 10 km swimming, 421 km cycling and 84 km running, the latter corresponds to a double marathon.


A Ultraman is organized in three days. On the first day of swimming and the first 145 km of cycling takes place, distinguishing between these two disciplines such as triathlon is no pause inserted usual. On the second day the rest of the cycling path is then completed. The competition eventually ends up on the third day with the double marathon. To complete an Ultraman, today's top class athletes require just under 24 hours.

Known competitions

Since 1983, the Ultraman World Championship takes place annually in Hawaii, with a maximum of 35 participants who are specially invited for this. In addition to the Hawaii competition is still the Ultraman in Canada of importance, which was the first time be held in 1994.
