Ulvetanna Peak

The Drygalskiberge seen from the north with the Matterhorn in the center

The Matterhorn (Norwegian Ulvetanna ) in Neuschwabenland is with 2931 m the highest mountain in the Drygalskiberge Neuschwabenland ( Ostantarktika ). The first ascent was made in 1994 by a Norwegian roped.

The mountain was discovered by the German Antarctic Expedition 1938/39, and documented with the aid of aerial photographs. While the Norwegian Antarctic Expedition 1956-1960, the area was again taken up by photogrammetry, as the German air photos in the Second World War had been lost; the summit was on the 1966 -built Norwegian map the name " Ulvetanna ".

The Matterhorn is composed of an alkali granite pluton, which penetrated a sequence of highly metamorphosed, multiply folded gneisses and marbles about 500 million years. Today's relief is a result of glaciation of Antarctica, übertieft in the existing valleys and mountain slopes were fed ground steeply due to the abrasive action of the glacier.
