
California laurel ( Umbellularia californica )

The California laurel ( Umbellularia californica ), also called Mountain Laurel Mountain Laurel or California, is a native deciduous tree species in western North America from the laurel family ( Lauraceae ). It is the only species of the monotypic genus Umbellularia. In the U.S. we call this tree species depending on location Oregon Myrtle ( wood ) and California Bay Laurel.


The California laurel grows as evergreen shrub or tree and can stature heights of up to 30 meters, and in exceptional cases up to 45 meters, and the trunk diameter can reach 80 cm. The tree crown is domed with dense, straight ascending branches. The bark is dark gray to black-gray and smooth to finely checkered. The bark of young branches is dark green.

The evergreen leaves are oblong- lanceolate and about 6 to 10 cm long and 3 cm wide. They are entire, and evenly flat. The glossy leaves are bright green on both sides and have a light midrib. Grated leaves smell very intense sweet and aromatic and fruity; the pungent strong scent can cause headaches after prolonged inhalation.

The flowering period falls in the winter to early spring. The cream-colored, small flowers are at the fifth to tenth in small, pseudo -stalked umbels. They are surrounded by a bract sheath of spirally arranged bracts, which are dropped. The blooms are triple and bisexual. All bloom are the same diverse. Of the three circles of three stamens in the inner circle at the base of each dust sheet a pair of glands is formed. The stamens are longer than the anthers. These are vierkammerig the pollen sacs are arranged in two pairs one above the other. The anthers of the two outer circles are turned inwards, the inner circle to the outside. A fourth circle of sterile stamens ( staminodes ) is formed.

The fruits are about 2.5 cm in size and ovate. They are initially green, purple when ripe. The flesh surrounds a single hard and thin-shelled seeds. The base of the flower is small and shallow, the fruit is surrounded by a small, slightly lobed fruit cup, standing at a thickened stalk.


The home of the California laurel is located in the coastal region of the U.S. states of Oregon and California. The deposits range from the Douglas County, Oregon south along the Pacific coast to California's San Diego County. Further inland western slopes of the Sierra Nevada are also populated. The California laurel comes at altitudes from sea level up to 1600 m before.

In Central Europe the tree for outdoor culture is suitable with protection in youth, since it is not very hardy only in mild areas ( Rhine). However, after frost damage, as in February 2012, the bushes floating in the summer again strong. In the British Isles and in the Mediterranean he is singled planted in gardens. Propagation from seed is easy.


The plant contains unhealthy to toxic constituents; No parts of the plant are to be used as food. According to other sources, however, the plant is used in the kitchen. The leaves are used like bay leaves to a boil; However, they taste much more stringent than bay leaves and must be dosed more economical.

The nuts are edible when roasted.

The wood is very hard; it is used for production of wooden bowls, wooden spoons, and other small objects. Meanwhile, it is also used for the construction of acoustic guitars in the premium price segment under the name Oregon Myrtlewood.

The tree will be planted along the Pacific coast to Vancouver in Canada as an ornamental tree, also in climatically favored regions of Europe, with mild winters.


Some authors distinguish within the species following two varieties:

  • Umbellularia californica californica var
  • Umbellularia californica var fresnensis Eastwood

