Unemployment benefit

As unemployment benefits is called a support service for job seekers. A distinction is made between insurance benefits from an unemployment insurance and state-financed with tax money minimum guarantee schemes in welfare states. The services allow unemployed a fair standard of living in the form of a benefit in lieu of performance, ensuring an individual living standards at a low level or a poverty -preventing poverty line.


In Germany there are unemployment benefits as insurance payment of unemployment insurance as a benefit in lieu of performance. Unemployment benefit is partially for the differentiation of the system established by the Fourth Act for Modern Services on the Labour Market on 1 January 2005 unemployment benefits as unemployment compensation, which is not equivalent to the official terminology.

After the end of the temporary unemployment benefit unemployment assistance was granted to 2004, the amount shall be based on the level of pay before unemployment. The unemployment benefit was abolished in the wake of the Hartz -4 legislation. Instead, the unemployment benefit II was introduced as a basic security service for job seekers to ensure the decent subsistence. Its height is not based on the previous standard of living of the beneficiaries, but on the need, the coverage for a human dignity is required. A previous receipt of unemployment benefits is in contrast to previous unemployment assistance not a prerequisite for the receipt of unemployment benefit II This should job seekers who previously received social assistance, are incorporated into the employment services of the Federal Employment Agency. This was referred to as a " merger of unemployment assistance and social assistance " in the Hartz Commission report.


Following the performance, the unemployment benefits means-tested state unemployment assistance may be paid.


The Swiss unemployment insurance does entitle cases in unemployment compensation in the form of daily allowances.


In all Member States of the European Union relevant insurance systems exist, but the specific form differs considerably; rule, unemployment is implemented as a statutory compulsory insurance for employees whose contributions are paid pro rata by employees and employers. Only in Denmark and Sweden, there is a voluntary insurance.

Prerequisite for the receipt of unemployment benefits is usually a minimum period, was paid into the unemployment insurance contributions in; have in Germany, Italy and Austria have been paid for at least 12 of the past 24 months contributions; in France, however, must have been made ​​for at least 6 of the last 22 months posts. In Spain, the minimum period for payments is 12 months.

In many countries, the entitlement period for unemployment benefits is limited; usually then close government-funded complementary support systems, eg in Sweden since 1998, as in Germany from 2005, a basic security.

In virtually all EU countries of the receipt of unemployment benefits is the ability to work and the submission of the statement as a jobseeker; in some countries the purchase of insurance benefits is linked to the residence in the country ( Finland, Great Britain), in the other countries, it is sufficient to be a citizen of an EU or EEA country. Government benefits obtained from influx all EU citizens under the provisions of the respective country, a transfer example of German " Hartz IV " benefits is therefore not possible abroad.

In most EU countries is valid for purchasers of insurance benefits unemployment benefits a professional qualification and protection; only in Luxembourg, Germany and the Netherlands, any "reasonable " or " reasonable " activities must be adopted.

To finance the unemployment benefits see unemployment.

United States

2002, only 42 % of the unemployed have received unemployment insurance benefits. This percentage is even lower in the lower income groups.
