
Unexpect (often also written UNEXPECT or UNEXPECT ) is a Canadian extreme metal band from Montreal, a variety of different styles to each other in their music.


In 1996 Artagoth and zircon formed the thrash metal band Unexpected, they even renamed Unexpect after the accession of Syriak in the same year. As gradually other band members to met and first recordings were made, it was decided to produce a first album, which was recorded in the summer of 1998 and published independently in the following year under the name Utopia and sold. In order to boost sales of the band featured on the Internet and extensive word of mouth, what you quickly earned the required support of the online community and first sales.

After several line- up changes finally appeared in 2003 at the Canadian label Galy Records, the EP We, Invaders. Although consisting of only 4 songs, this Unexpect brought a world-wide attention from critics and a record deal with American label The End Records. There followed in 2006 their second album In a Flesh Aquarium, which ties seamlessly with the EP and despite the unconventional and experimental music critics could convince.

The band played in 2006-2008 over one hundred appearances on eight tours. From September to November 2009, the band also supported Dream Theater, Opeth, Bigelf and on the European part of the Progressive Nation Tour 2009.


Initially founded as a thrash metal band Unexpect developed quite rapidly their own style of music, among other things, Elements of Progressive Metal, Death Metal, Heavy Metal, Jazz, Ambient, circus music and often combined classical music. On the first album are also still strong black metal influences heard.

Characteristic of the music are extreme changes in style, contrapuntal melodies and frequent dissonances up to the cacophony. Typical also are the use of a variety of different instruments, contrasting vocals and surrealistic bizarre lyrics.

